Reiki Shares

What is a Reiki Share?
A Reiki Share or circle is a meeting for people attuned to Reiki, a place where everyone has a chance to both receive, and give, and practice exchanging Reiki healing with others.

Who attends a Reiki Share?
Reiki students, practitioners, masters and teachers of all abilities are welcome - you do not need to be experienced and equally, no matter how experienced you are, there's always more to learn!

What are the benefits of attending a Reiki Share?
Spend time with a friendly group of lovely, welcoming and warm people who will support you on your Reiki journey - no matter where you're at!

Receive a huge boost of healing energy - feel relaxed, renewed and back in balance.

A rare opportunity to be cared for, fussed over and generally looked after.

If you are part of a membership body, you can add the hours spent at the Reiki Share to your Continued Professional Development (CPD) record - this is a formal requirement to maintain your insurance.

Deepen your knowledge about Reiki and other topics, discuss ideas and common interests.

Most of all have fun!