What is reiki?


Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique used for stress reduction, relaxation and has positive side effects to promote healing in and around your body.  It's a very safe, gentle, non-invasive healing technique delivered by placing hands gently on/off the body.

Reiki works on four levels, physical, mental, emotional and on a spiritual level.  Naturally Reiki balances and harmonises your whole body, mind and spirit.  Working to clear your energy pathways called Meridians and energy centres called Chakras.

During a Reiki Treatment 

Receiving Reiki is a very simple process, but usually produces quite profound effects. The treatment begins by you lying down on a treatment couch. You remain fully clothed, but you may be more comfortable if you remove your shoes. Then I will gently rest my hands upon you, non-intrusively, in a series of positions from the crown of the head to the feet.  I also work intuitively, which means I listen to my inner guidance which allows me to be guided where is best for you, and the energy will flow through my hands.

Each hand position is held for a few minutes, sometimes longer, and during this time energy will flow into you, drawn according to your need, helping to balance your energy system. This can release stress, soothe pain, and promote your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

What does Reiki feel like?

You will be able to feel and sense the energy.  Within minutes you will feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease.  You may notice lots the warmth, tingles and pulsating as I place energy in with my hands.  You may see lovely colours and maybe dream-like visualisations. It is usually a very relaxing experience and some people fall asleep. Other sensations may include seeing coloured lights or feeling as if you are floating. Sometimes people have an “emotional release” – feeling quite emotional or tearful for a little while during the treatment – as emotional turmoil is brought to the surface to be released and dissipated.  Reiki is known as the “Silent Counsellor” so if you're struggling with past life events, Reiki will help you process and release them, in a safe and gentle way.

After the treatment you will feel AMAZING!! Light, happy and positive.

At the end of your session, we will discuss the session for as long as you need, sometimes this is a good time for you to process anything you need to.  I'm always here to help you, as much as I can.

10 Benefits of Reiki:

1, Deep relaxation, supporting your body & mind to release stress and tension.

2, Promotes harmony & balance.

3, Helps a person release deep seated trauma in a gentle way.

4, Improves overall physical heal and mental well being.

5, Releases old residual energy making way for more positive experiences.

6, Supports you on your spiritual path, expanding your awareness.

7, Supports the body own ability to heal.

8, Helps with insomnia.

9, Relieves pain.

10, Helps you become very focused.

Reiki brings you back into balance

Reiki only works for your highest good and is so safe you can use it on babies and animals 

You can obtain benefits from Reiki in two ways: you can be ‘attuned’ to Reiki on a course and learn to use the energy for your own benefit, or you can receive a treatment from a Reiki Practitioner or Master.

If you learn Reiki for yourself then you have the ability always and you can work on yourself every day if you wish. If you receive a Reiki treatment from a practitioner, then obviously you are dependent upon them for your ‘dose’ of Reiki.

Some people like to take personal charge of their healing and learn Reiki for themselves, and to obtain the benefits that come through learning Reiki you do need to be self-motivated, and you need to be prepared to make some time to use the energy on yourself regularly. Some people find it works better for them to book a course of treatments with a Reiki practitioner and then they might have regular ‘top-up’ sessions, or they might receive further treatments as and when they feel that they need them.

No matter how you decide to use Reiki, there is the potential for Reiki to make a real difference to your life.